Strategic Plan
AASP is committed to meeting and exceeding the needs of its members. The decision to develop and launch our 2023-2026 plan is an important one as it will assist the Executive Board and committees in creating a “roadmap” of priorities over the next 4 years.
The AASP membership comprises scientist-practitioners who recognize the value of data-based decision making. Thus, the AASP Executive Board and Committee Chairs reviewed a large amount of valuable data from members to identify current and future needs. These data were used to create this Strategic Plan.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging and Justice (DEIBJ) initiatives were identified by members as a top priority; accordingly, associated goals can be found throughout the entire plan. We look forward to a successful next 4 years for AASP and encourage all members to engage with us through many of the programs and initiatives we are planning for you.