Virtual Conference - Beyond the Arena: Consulting With Non-Sport Performance Populations
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Session length is 3 hours.
Michael Asken, PhD, Pennsylvania State Police
Charlie Brown, PhD, Get Your Head in the Game
Noa Kageyama, PhD, The Juilliard School
Jean François Ménard, Kambio Performance
Glenn Pfenninger, Ignite Performance Groups
As the demand grows for sport and performance psychology services with creative and non-sport populations, it is important for sport and performance psychology professionals to be familiar with the unique aspects and subtle intricacies of working with these types of clients. The 2018 AASP Virtual Conference will feature five expert speakers discussing their work in diverse performance-oriented domains encompassing business professionals, musicians, Cirque du Soleil artists, high-risk populations (police officers, first responders), and surgeons. Each presenter will discuss his experiences applying the principles of sport and performance psychology and mental skills training to work with professionals on the stage, in the operating room, in the board room, and in high-risk situations. It is imperative that CMPCs, graduate students, and other helping professionals understand that it is insufficient to assume all performing populations use mental skills in the same way. Individualized approaches for individuals and groups are required when considering ways to build effective relationships and enhance performance with these exceptional populations.
Learning Objectives
Following the virtual conference, attendees will be able to:
- Identify examples of diverse performing populations that may benefit from sport and performance psychology services.
- Understand how the performing environment, group cultures, and individual needs may be different from sport populations with whom attendees may have previously worked.
- Compare and contrast the performance optimization needs of these performers as they relate to each unique performance domain.
- Describe common interventions that may be used with performance populations based on the demands of their performance environment.
Facts and Realities of Being a Performance Psychology Coach at Cirque du Soleil
Jean François Ménard, Kambio Performance
Cirque du Soleil is internationally known for delivering mind-boggling performances every night on stage. Performing consistently 400 times a year is no easy feat. There are specific methods and strategies artists utilize to be on top of their game every time they step on stage. The goal of this presentation is to highlight some of these methods that have proven to be efficient over the years.
The Cutting Edge: Performance Consultation with Surgeons
Charlie Brown, PhD, Get Your Head in the Game
In this program, Dr. Charlie Brown will share insights and learnings from over two decades of performance consulting with surgeons. It includes an overview of mental skills training efforts to date in surgical settings; unique aspects of consulting within the medical culture, and specific recommendations for those interested in consulting in medical settings.
MindSighting: Performance Psychology Applied to High Risk Occupations
Michael Asken, PhD, Pennsylvania State Police
This presentation will look at the development of the role of performance psychology within high risk occupations (police, fire, emergency medicine, military) with an emphasis on the crossover from sport performance psychology. It will look at the continuing need and potential for continued contributions to maximizing performance in first responders. Pathways and issues in providing performance psychology training to high risk occupations will be addressed.
Performance Psychology for Musicians
Noa Kageyama, PhD, The Juilliard School
As a young aspiring musician, I thought that my nerves and sub-par performances were due to a lack of practice time. And it wasn’t just me - many of my friends also believed that if they just practiced enough, things would eventually come together. Of course, that never did happen for me, so I remember how liberating it was to discover performance psychology, and the whole range of mental skills that changed my experience both on stage and in the practice room. In this session, we’ll cover several of the skills that I’ve found musicians to benefit from most, so you can help your musician clients conquer nerves, get into the zone, and perform their best when it counts.
The Boardroom Psychology: Value-Added Consulting for Executives and Teams
Glenn Pfenninger, CMPC, Ignite Performance Groups
In this presentation, Glenn will discuss the similartities and differences between athletes/sport teams and executive/business teams. He'll also provide tips and tricks for breaking into business consulting, examine typical engagement objectives, and descript potential contracting and pricing norms.
Continuing Education Credits
K2: Sport Psychology
3.0 CE Credits
Students – $49.00
Members – $75.00
Non-members – $99.00
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